Sutherland Campbell, Archie

Scotts Bar, Siskiyou County, California,
Date of Death:
May 8, 1918
Hero Bio:
Archie Sutherland Campbell was born at Scotts Bar, Siskiyou County, California, on May 28th, 1890. He received a public school education and later went to work in the California mines. At the age of 21 he moved to Nevada where he received a position as forest ranger in the Mt. Rose District. He made his home in Reno.
On October 3rd, 1917, he entered the army from Washoe County, leaving his bride of five weeks, who before their marriage had been Miss Mildred Williams of the University of Nevada. He went to Camp Lewis with the Washoe contingent and was placed in the 38th Company, 166th Depot Brigade. On January 14th, 1918, he was transferred to Company C, 316th Engineers, 91st Division.
His record at Camp Lewis was excellent. Being of a quiet disposition and greatly interested in his work, he possessed all the qualities of a good soldier. But in the matter of health he was extremely unfortunate. He suffered with rheumatism most of the time, which the damp climate of that country brought on, and after he had been there about five months, developed bronchitis. This led to a serious attack of pneumonia. He was scarcely recovering from this attack when he contracted scarlet fever, and although he rallied bravely, two months of illness in the hospital had so undermined his strength that he was no longer able to continue the fight. He died in the Camp Hospital on the 8th of May 1918, and now lies in the cemetery at Nevada City, California.
During all his sickness and suffering he always was cheerful, and constantly expressed his desire to “go to France, defeat the Huns, and return home in a hurry.” In the meantime, his young wife did her share by teaching school at Smith Creek, Nevada. Besides his widow, Mrs. Mildred Campbell-Maestretti, Austin, Nevada, the soldier’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Campbell, of Nevada City, California, and two brothers, Dan Campbell of Nevada City, and Oscar Campbell, of Winnemucca, Nevada, survive him.
Rank in Death:
Not listed
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
38th Company, 166th Depot Brigade transferred to Company C, 316th Engineers, 91st Division